Rooted. Missional. Compassionate.
We are a community of Christians dedicated to loving God with all our heart [The Great Commandment], and sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ with all His people [The Great Commission].
We are committed to these beliefs: your readers interest. A great way to break up large amounts of text is to create additional blocks.
- SCRIPTURAL. We believe that our beliefs and behavior should conform to the character of Jesus Christ and the teaching of God’s Word. As the inspired word of God, the Bible contains all things necessary to our salvation. Faithfully proclaiming the truth of God’s Word is essential to the life of the Church.
- HISTORICAL. We believe that the Church has a great heritage of teaching and tradition rooting us in the Apostle’s teaching and keeping us faithful to the Holy Spirit’s presence and power in our lives. We believe in the three creeds: Apostles, Nicene and Athanasian as being sufficient statements of the faith "once delivered." We affirm the teaching of the General Councils of the undivided church. We receive the 39 Articles of Religion as a response to certain controversies of their time and as expressing fundamental principles of Anglican belief. We uphold the 1662 Book of Common Prayer as a true and authoritative standard of doctrine, discipline and worship.
- LITURGICAL . We believe that the highest calling for every Christian is to glorify God and be in relationship with Him forever. Worship is a holy encounter with the living God, filling us with peace and promise. We rejoice in our Anglican sacramental and liturgical heritage as an expression of the Gospel.
- SACRAMENTAL . We believe the Risen Lord meets us in grace-filled moments throughout our lives. Christ has ordained these sacred-moments for health and growth as a Christian in all of the sacraments of the church especially in Holy Baptism and the Holy Eucharist.
- DISCIPLESHIP (catechesis). We believe that every Christian is to follow Jesus Christ as a disciple . . . listening, learning, and applying God’s Word to our lives, our homes, our ministry, and our mission. Learning is a lifetime endeavor that does not end in confirmation.
- MISSIONAL. We believe the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ is for sharing with our neighbor and with our world. We are ambassadors, helping people to know Him, to love Him and to live for Him.
- CHARITABLE. We believe we express our Love for God by loving one another. We are committed to living in fellowship with other Christians, extending hospitality to the stranger, and sharing generously with the poor and needy.